Thursday, August 28, 2008

Cool Blue Reason

This just in. We were invited to swear in as Peace Corps Volunteers. We accepted, of course. in a few short hours we will take an oath that will solidify our commitment and responsibility to the PC program here in Mauritania.

We had to move the ceremony from one room to 2 others because one is full of some crap, literally.

There will be formal stuff all day today and much less formal celebration this evening. I get to help cook.

I will do my best to preserve these events with a photo or 2.

I wish that you guys could be here to share this event with us.


xDarkxAngel7 said...

I am sharing the event with you in my heart. I am glad i got to see you before the ceremony and in your new outfit. Dad

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a great time!

Ann R. said...

HI Brian,
When school started I found your card with your blog address on it and decided to find out how things are going for you.
Seems that it is pretty exciting, what with a coup and all. We never heard of any coup in Mauritania. Hope you're both safe.
Things are going pretty well at Robinson. We have a great new assistant principal, she is really in control. We lost an entire cluster, now there are only three, a sixth grade, seventh grade and eighth grade cluster.
Be well and I'll keep up with your blog.
Ann Rosenberg