Thursday, November 26, 2009

Grace Of God Go I

This Thanksgiving I find myself humbled again because of the things that I am thankful for.

This year I am especially thankful for being able to get away from the trials and tribulations of Peace Corps life, if it is even only for just a few days or a half hour at the cyber cafe.

My wife as always holds the key to my heart and sanity (she loses the latter key all the time) and I am thankful for her.

I am thankful for my family at home who keep me going throughout this adventure that I set on a year and a half ago.

I am thankful for the friends that I have who keep America held together with hard work and determination.

I am thankful America, it is a place that everyone I meet wants to go to, even when I left it behind.

I am thankful for the work that I do and the people who begrudgingly support me in my attempts to develop Essau Senior Secondary School.