Friday, March 21, 2008

In Bloom

I have another day off school being that its good Friday and for some reason our state that says it upholds a separation of church and state allows us to endorse a religious holiday in our school system. I wonder what would happen to peoples opinions of this if it was not their religion that is being supported by the powers that be.

Spring has come and on its first official whole day we are expecting a snow storm in Ohio. BLEH
I have a week and a day off of work and I shall have to accomplish quite a bit in this time. I have to contact a tax guy, find out about new carpeting, sprint through some french lessons, and then compose some lesson plans of my own. I also today am going to attempt to get this blog to email those of you who may wish to have updates sent to you, without having to check from time to time.

Peace Corps prep is going well at present. The next step that I want to work on is getting our apartment in shape to vacate. We have so much stuff that we don't use and so much that we do and we have to get rid of stuff, have some things stored, hopefully sell things. Does anyone want to buy my crap? err I mean gently used products.

The best thing I have gained from getting ready is the camaraderie from those of us who have connected and are getting ready to go. EVERYONE I have met has been great, we all have a lot in common and I super stoked to share these experiences with these fine examples of our culture. I have really gotten to know Brandon, I think that we are kindred spirits and cant wait to goof off with him in person. It will be the awesome!

I think that the camaraderie applies to Kristy and I, we are bonding well in this experience. I know our relationship is strong but I really like that we are growing closer in this. We are playing on our strengths and I foresee this as a great way to start our experience, if I don't fuck it up with my mad slacker skillz.

Oh I have decided that I am going to try to name my blogs after songs in my music library from now on as music has been one of the things in my life that I look to for stability, and to help the people I care for know bits and pieces of my moods. Lets hope I can continue to do this for the next few years.
EDIT - I have gone through and renamed older blogs to fit this theme.